How to lose weight in a fast way

He claimed that it is not how much, nutrition, and other about the doctor, slimming can be integrated, and slowly and proper nutrition must have life, interests, extreme diets promise quick weight loss three days a week during that time, not the fall. Doctors of view we Of course respect. But when you need results fast?


Dispatch burning? A fast way to lose weight!

The reason the diet is hard, but it can guarantee fast results. For example, the wedding the next day... calm down, have a girlfriend. (Hopefully, this particular wedding, you are still responsible for income and the ideal shape of the way before the serious incident a couple of months ago). Or, say, the other day-holiday, party – to you, to put it mildly, not shaped. Or invited on the weekend of a man in a restaurant is a dream, and sits on the toilet burst at the seams and terrible as the corresponding value. Why more income: it's chosen a dress for the new year, but only a smaller size boutique! This same nightmare. Dress, luxury, New Year is coming. The emergency order gives a figure of!

Well you sit in your swimwear? Swati is apparently a bad thing which it would be advisable, prepare in advance. But plastics in the world of Textiles, with each other in every season: confused: it can meet not only Christmas, but also white sand ocean waves. So what this could be an emergency, you will need to accept before you go so desperately, because it's profitable is a good view of on the beach, Burning Man dispatch. Or (O, it's a dream!) suddenly, an invitation to a nice gentleman in Bali.

Income and occupational causes as a way to start looking for a quick way to lose weight: casting, photography, and so forth. Sometimes the "look decent" and scientists a keen business woman, ladies conferences, seminars, professional community before the big speech. Aspire to the ideal shape ago an interview with a media person to bring in photos or movies. Yes, definitely causes a lot to find themselves and to lose weight fast!

Choose a diet

To date, hundreds of fad diets, not thousands. The three of them can be divided into types:

  • long-term
  • short-term
  • extreme

A long-term diet calorie counting mainly mostly food-related limitation, eating, fat, carbs. However, lately, as well as the calories, hypoglycemic code product increasing importance. We offer some diets vegetable dishes almost alone, the other, on the contrary, mainly eating protein (in the meantime what it could be, cause health problems). Food and diet, which the concept of vegetarianism boils down to a healthy lifestyle switch: for example, "lose weight the easy way", the famous author of the best-selling pro harmful habits (easy and not too much). Preaching other migration, custom image source: for example, separate. But our goal in all these diets, there is a serious lack of: power systems you need to achieve the results specified ten days ago, two or three months of the stick. We also want a fast way to lose weight! A three-day holiday package tour a week later we burning and the warm beaches!

So, the focal position of attention, short-term diets, let's quickly pull up and into the body less than the size of the jeans. The emphasis here calorie foods, cleansing the stomach, the result from the body of water (reduce the amount permitted, and immediately reset 2 – 3 kg and more), and accelerate the metabolism. Simple, short-term diet – fasting days (safest for them). Per day one or two times a week we're having "easy" day for the body: the wheat on yogurt or even water. The next day, including conditions of the stomach relaxation is due to the lack of a familiar "gravity fed". For someone is quite sufficient, for, on the weekend I feel butterfly. But if the couples in question the least hard reset-threes is selected a short term weight diet 3 – 5 days. Among them are quite frugal, but still most of them are short-term diets as Maya said... a punch that requires you to collect and plisetska no "food". Low-calorie this diet is very effective and often only 300 – 700 kcal / day.

On the day of unloading bananas and chocolate diet

But a weak man! We, usually, I just want you to fret, smaller, and more to get results. Not tricks, for which patients, a sharp attenuation to make the process most enjoyable! For example, used to focus on the favorite products. I don't like Apple? Select a banana diet. His pros – good mood because of the serotonin production and a certain toughness. Banana three days alone, more than two pounds a day, otherwise you went for more points reset. A short term protein or protein-egg diet looks good from a continuous water body and conditions of toughness. But Kidney not call in advance, call an ambulance. Grape diet (grapes weight juice or a liter of wine a day) formulated with vitamins on the body, "animation" the blood, the skin condition improves. Diet watermelon (1 kg of pulp 9 kg of body) beautiful images of water, but you have to anticipate you about it. Contra, diet kidney problems, like everyone else on here. Is not a guarantee of toughness, even put her weight watermelon servings of each meal (e.g., 15 pounds). The diet is low calorie, if, Of course, watermelon and bread.

Reset required for bigger cases, more is designed to a few pounds weekly mono. Most popular – buckwheat. Just remember – wheat salt transferable, cannot cook and just steamed. Overall, I prefer to eat a lot of rice mono-diet, someone – "bonn soup" (Ana, there, her, liters, whatever you want). Unfortunately, an extreme kind of mono-diet is a great way to just check it out yourself for a quick way to lose weight, but on the verge to the hospital. For example, a week that comes without the necessary vitamins, trace elements, very characteristic for mono-diet is reflected in hair, skin, hands and health. Among the most original diets between wine and chocolate. Three-day wine and cheese – what a foodie rejects? Again, an action, it is based on an inference from the body of water. And "chocolate" three day diet – first low-calorie (550 kcal / day), and secondly, activates the metabolism. In a way, an exit "plateau". Well, salvation of those who cannot without coffee and chocolate: coffee without sugar as much as you want a whole tile of dark chocolate per day. Here's just breathing very high defy the odds, especially if he's still smoking. The heart of such an excess is related to big doubt...

"Doctor, why are you so boring?"

Apparently, the question is, how to, lose weight fast, solved: found a way out and a. Dozens strict diets aiming at quick, sharp weight, we are at your service reset. And all this to lose weight quickly but a big minus – a short conclusion. Your entry and defiled dress, a new swimsuit, and a few days later, so a bigot like you a normal lifestyle, and the effect is too pronounced (almost goes off during short term fat diets). Secondly, although it may be an organism such a commotion, crime, and cruel revenge. This "fasting days" mode and starts rebuilding the economic strength of the body, fewer calories than you expend. Cake and cake once loved back, the "extra" calories that would be more than it used to be, in the same way power. So, the expected sudden weight gain. Third, eighty per pound of weight, much of that such a diet will give you noticeable changes: weigh the baby will be modest outwardly.

And, of course, there are diets most extreme, hard into the hands of contraindications and Health which can lead to serious consequences. Still, long-term diet to a long-term power system, why, it's a more secure way for more permanent results. Yes, and one more point: don't wait for short-term maintenance diets with oil "problem areas". You will need for this exercise: a healthy diet remains that even the most reducing body weight, loose and ugly purchased the sport and form load. Unfortunately, all these words, healthy lifestyle, proper physical activity because the weather is so boring that many of the feed system and the popularity of extreme diets banana with chocolate is reduced, because "SIT" is much more interesting!